Monday, September 21, 2015


As the month of April   has started, the afternoon heat is increasing day by day. In country like India, the temperatures are comparatively higher in majority of the regions.
To balance work and health is the tough task to deal with. Ayurveda has a magical treasure of tips to keep you fit in the summer season.
Major health issues during the summer are- heartburns, eye irritation, eye dryness, urine infection, foot cracks, epitasis (nasal bleeding), mouth ulcers etc..
·      Urine infection
Increase fluid intake like water, coconut water, cumin seeds and coriander seeds are very good for urinary infections. So drink the water boiled with these seeds which relieves the burning urine sensation. If not relieved, consult the physician.
·      Epistaxis-
Bleeding through the nose is the problem faced during the summer by children as well as the adults, due to the excessive heat and ultimately rupture of the blood vessels in the nose.
Pinching of the nose is the primary step for this problem.
Head low position is the other thing to be done.
Durva juice (botanical name- Cynodon dactylon),also known as Bermuda grass , can be administered in the nose to stop the nasal bleeding ,as it has blood arresting properties.
Apply cold water pack over the head.
·      Eye irritation
Due to the heat, problems like eye redness, dryness, burning, itching arise.
Apply cottons soaked with cucumber juice, rose water, cold water.
Have 1 tsp.of cow’s ghee and gulkanda each daily.
·      Heat burns and foot cracks
Skin is the one which gets affected during the summer.
Apply face pack made up of chandan powder, khus powder with shatdhaut ghrita (ayurvedic formulated ghee) to skin for heartburns and medicated cream, made up of gairik, resin, chandan powder, wax etc. to the foot cracks.
·      Mouth ulcers
Excessive heat causes mouth ulcers.
Reduce the spicy, fried contents in the meals.
Eat more fruits daily.
Apply a mixture of gairik powder with ghee and honey to the ulcer.
Drink milk mixed with 1/4th tsp.of ghee in it.
In addition to the above mentioned remedies,prawal panchamrut,gulvel satva are the effective ayurvedic medicines to be consumed with gulkanda Or moravala to get rid of the heat hazards after proper consultation of an ayurvedic expert.
·      DO’S
ü Use scarf or cover the head while outside the home.
ü Increase the fluid intake.
ü Eat fresh fruits.
ü Consume fresh curd and buttermilk.
ü Have 1 tsp.eac of moravala and gulkanda daily.
·      DON’T’S
ý  Spicy and fried food items.
ý Drinking water just after getting back from outside.
Besides all the above measures, consult your ayurvedic physician regarding the health issues during the summer when required.


Dr.Prajkta Kulkarni
Asst. Prof-Sharir Rachana

TAMV, Pune 


In today’s world, hectic lifestyle is a part and parcel   of everyone’s life. For a lady, so many roles are to be dealt with like mother, housewife, working as a professional and student and so on.
To meet these growing demands, she has to keep herself healthy, physically as well as mentally. For coping with the targets to be achieved, she should maintain her health in all possible ways.
Various dietary options are there for ‘her’to provide nutrition for the total health.
  Dietary Components for Health-
·       Milk and milk products
As all are aware, milk is a rich source of proteins, calcium, Vit.D.
Fresh yoghurt and buttermilk are the healthy options to be included in the meals daily. These provide Vit.B, calcium, phosphorus, riboflavin, vit.B12, which are responsible for the bone strength and for empowering the digestion and to enhance the immunity.
The other milk products are paneer, cheese etc...
·       Green vegetables
Green leafy vegetables are rich in folic acid, vit.K, betacarotene, magnesium and low in calories. Healthy option for the heart.
Folic acid helps to lower homocysteine levels to keep the heart healthy and also for reproduction. Magnesium is helpful in pre-menstrual syndrome.
Vegetables like spinach, lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, raddish, beet root leaves, fenugreek leaves are the healthy choices for salad as well.
·       Dry fruits
Dry fruits like almond, apricot, walnut, pistachios, and raisins are rich source of alpha lenoleic acid, proteins, vit.B and E, anti-oxidants like zinc and selenium. These help to decrease the complications of pre-menstrual syndrome, lower cholesterol levels, components like arginine and amino acids help to keep the energy levels high. These nutritious elements are also good for skin and hair .Don’t eat salted dry fruits.
·       Fruits
Fruits contain natural anti-oxidants which elevate the energy levels. Eating fruits daily is a highly recommendable food option, in between the meal timings, i.e. in snacks at teatime. Try to eat fresh fruits and not juices.
·       Soyabean and Flax seeds
Soyabean and flax seeds are a good source of proteins and omega 3 fatty acids. Soya nuggets,s oya milk, tofu are the soya derivatives. They are also helpful in hot flushes during menopause as well as for healthy status of brain. Flax seed chutney is a popular food item.
·       Corns
Rich in fibre content, so helpful in constipation.
·       Sprouts
Sprouts are the tiny, but nutritious dietary supplement, which are also popular for weight control.
Sprouts like bengal gram (chhola), green gram (mung), bean sprouts, lentil contain vit.C which help to protect cells from free radicals. These are also rich in vit.K, B, antioxidants, Manganese and phosphorus. These constituents help to reduce skin aging, enhance immunity and good for heart.
Salad and sprout soups are highly recommendable.
·       Ragi and oats
Ragi is rich in calcium and iron, whereas Oats are rich in fibre content. These elements provide nutrition to bones and also keep the system healthy.

·       Shatavari kalpa
Apart from all these above mentioned food elements, Shatavari kalpa (compound) is a rich source of energy and nutrition, a gift of Ayurveda, to keep the lady fit. It can be consumed 1tbsp. daily with a glass of milk twice a day. It is good for all ages and also in lactating females.
Balanced and nutritious elements improve the total mental, physical and spiritual health.
As woman is the backbone of the family, her health is the primemost important thing.

These healthy elements described earlier not only detoxify the body, but also rejuvenate the body and mind and enhance the immunity.

Dr. Prajkta Kulkarni ,
Asst. Professor,  Sharir Rachana
Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya,  Pune