Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Varsha rutu

General body status : Vata: increased

Pitta: starts accumulating.

Strength: poor

Diet :

To take-

sweet, sour & salty tasting food. Food should be taken in moderate amount.

Cereals: rice, wheat, millet( jawar) Should be 1 year old.

Pulses: green gram(moong), red gram(toor), kulith

Should be taken in less amount.

Vegetables: garlic, ginger, lemon, fruit vegetables like snake gourd, white gourd, luffa (dodaka),cabbage etc.

Fruits: all sweet & sour tasting.

Dry fruits: raisin, cashew nuts, almonds, walnut, pista(in small amount)

Spices: coriander, asafetida, ginger, mint, curry leaves,

hot spices(in moderate amount)

Ghee, butter, oil, milk, sugar.

Water: boiled & cooled to room temperature.

To avoid-

Bitter, astringent, pungent tasting food, heavy food should be avoided.

New grains

Green leafy vegetables

All astringent tasting fruits like jambul.

Curd, fermented food like bread & south Indian food

Life-style :

To do-

Massage with warm sesame oil & steam.

Application of warm oil on head, soles & in the ears & nose

Hot shower.

Light exercise.

To avoid-

Heavy workout

Late night sleeping, day time sleeping

Riding on 2 wheeler too much.

Tip : To avoid problems of excess Vata, Panchakarma Procedure called BASTI (eneama of oil or decoction) is very useful. Even healthy person can do this in varsha ritu under proper guidance.

By. Dr Madhura Kulkarni.Lecturer, TAMV,Pune

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General body status : Vata: increased

Pitta: starts accumulating.

Strength: poor

Diet :

To take-

sweet, sour & salty tasting food. Food should be taken in moderate amount.

Cereals: rice, wheat, millet( jawar) Should be 1 year old.

Pulses: green gram(moong), red gram(toor), kulith

Should be taken in less amount.

Vegetables: garlic, ginger, lemon, fruit vegetables like snake gourd, white gourd, luffa (dodaka),cabbage etc.

Fruits: all sweet & sour tasting.

Dry fruits: raisin, cashew nuts, almonds, walnut, pista(in small amount)

Spices: coriander, asafetida, ginger, mint, curry leaves,

hot spices(in moderate amount)

Ghee, butter, oil, milk, sugar.

Water: boiled & cooled to room temperature.

To avoid-

Bitter, astringent, pungent tasting food, heavy food should be avoided.

New grains

Green leafy vegetables

All astringent tasting fruits like jambul.

Curd, fermented food like bread & south Indian food

Life-style :

To do-

Massage with warm sesame oil & steam.

Application of warm oil on head, soles & in the ears & nose

Hot shower.

Light exercise.

To avoid-

Heavy workout

Late night sleeping, day time sleeping

Riding on 2 wheeler too much.

Tip : To avoid problems of excess Vata, Panchakarma Procedure called BASTI (eneama of oil or decoction) is very useful. Even healthy person can do this in varsha ritu under proper guidance.

By. Dr Madhura Kulkarni.Lecturer, TAMV,Pune

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General body status : Vata: increased

Pitta: starts accumulating.

Strength: poor

Diet :

To take-

sweet, sour & salty tasting food. Food should be taken in moderate amount.

Cereals: rice, wheat, millet( jawar) Should be 1 year old.

Pulses: green gram(moong), red gram(toor), kulith

Should be taken in less amount.

Vegetables: garlic, ginger, lemon, fruit vegetables like snake gourd, white gourd, luffa (dodaka),cabbage etc.

Fruits: all sweet & sour tasting.

Dry fruits: raisin, cashew nuts, almonds, walnut, pista(in small amount)

Spices: coriander, asafetida, ginger, mint, curry leaves,

hot spices(in moderate amount)

Ghee, butter, oil, milk, sugar.

Water: boiled & cooled to room temperature.

To avoid-

Bitter, astringent, pungent tasting food, heavy food should be avoided.

New grains

Green leafy vegetables

All astringent tasting fruits like jambul.

Curd, fermented food like bread & south Indian food

Life-style :

To do-

Massage with warm sesame oil & steam.

Application of warm oil on head, soles & in the ears & nose

Hot shower.

Light exercise.

To avoid-

Heavy workout

Late night sleeping, day time sleeping

Riding on 2 wheeler too much.

Tip : To avoid problems of excess Vata, Panchakarma Procedure called BASTI (eneama of oil or decoction) is very useful. Even healthy person can do this in varsha ritu under proper guidance.

By. Dr Madhura Kulkarni.Lecturer, TAMV,Pune

Send your reply at
Varsha rutu(rainy)
(15th June-15th Aug. Approx)

General body status : Vata: increased
                 Pitta: starts accumulating.
                Strength: poor
Diet :
To take-
  • sweet, sour & salty tasting food. Food should be taken in moderate amount.
  • Cereals: rice, wheat, millet( jawar) Should be 1 year old.
    • Pulses: green gram(moong), red gram(toor), kulith
    Should be taken in less amount.
    • Vegetables: garlic, ginger, lemon, fruit vegetables like snake gourd, white gourd, luffa (dodaka),cabbage etc.
    • Fruits: all sweet & sour tasting.
    • Dry fruits: raisin, cashew nuts, almonds, walnut, pista(in small amount)
    • Spices: coriander, asafetida, ginger, mint, curry leaves,
hot spices(in moderate amount)
  • Ghee, butter, oil, milk, sugar.
  • Water: boiled & cooled to room temperature.

To avoid-
Bitter, astringent, pungent tasting food, heavy food should be avoided.
  • New grains
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • All astringent tasting fruits like jambul.
  • Curd, fermented food like bread & south Indian food

Life-style :
To do-
  • Massage with warm sesame oil & steam.
  • Application of warm oil on head, soles & in the ears & nose
  • Hot shower.
  • Light exercise.

To avoid-
  • Heavy workout
  • Late night sleeping, day time sleeping
  • Riding on 2 wheeler too much.

Tip : To avoid problems of excess Vata, Panchakarma Procedure called BASTI (eneama of oil or decoction) is very useful. Even healthy person can do this in varsha ritu under proper guidance.
By. Dr Madhura Kulkarni.Lecturer, TAMV,Pune
Send your reply at

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