Thursday, June 30, 2011

Problems in conception: Read This

Important Factors Affecting Conception- An Ayurvedic Perspective

  • Good amount of sperms & an ovum don't necessarily result in pregnancy. There are cases of where, all the laboratory tests are normal but there is no conception.
  • According to Ayurved certain regime needs to be followed in order to have a safe pregnancy and delivery of a healthy baby.
  • Important factors governing the conception are embodied in the following lines from Sushrut:


Four factors are important namely-

Rutu (Specific period)-

According to Ayurved the ideal period for conception is described as 12 days after the last day of menstruation. This is solely based on the experience of the Aacharyas as there were no modern techniques like sonography.




2) Kshetra( Field)-

This factor relates the health of female body & womb to good conception. If there is anatomical or physiological problem related to uterus it will not implant the fertilized egg. Even if it does there will be abortion.

But besides uterus the general health of the woman is also very important. She should be physically as well as mentally fit. Unhappy mind will affect the conception.


3) Ambu ( Water / fluid)-

The baby's health is dependent on the food intake by mother. Liquids especially affect the quantity of amniotic fluid surrounding the baby. Ayurved states that it also nourishes the baby. Lack of fluid have always created problems like retarded growth or 'C' section.



4) Beej( Male & female gametes )-

It is not only the sperm & ovum but quality of semen like color , consistency , menstrual fluid( color, consistency etc. ) are very much important. Factors vitiating these are eating excess pickles , Fruit salad (milk with sour fruits) ,mental stress etc.

Hence in the cases of infertility these point are considered while treating the patients.

Dr.Sarika S. Chopde, Lecturer, TAMV,Pune

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