Friday, April 10, 2015



Hair is one of the fundamental elements among the various health components of the body such as skin and teeth etc.
It is the mirror of the healthy individual. Nowadays hair problems have got a vital place in health issues. It Is due to several aspects included in today’s lifestyle like irregular and unhealthy styles of eating, poor hygiene of hair, hereditary factors, hormonal causes, sleep related disorders and so on.
Even right from childhood, all are facing hair problems, which is a serious health problem in today’s world indeed.
It is specifically mentioned that the mistakes made by an individual, is called as Pradhnyaparaadha in Ayurveda. Many of such hair issues have the root in the diet and lifestyle of the person itself.
Hair problem causes can be categorised under 3 major heads as follows
Dietary, Behavioural, Psychological

1. Dietory causes-
 As diet or food is the basic of the 3 needs for survival, it definitely has a pivotal role in causing hair problems.
  • Spicy, oily, junk food –which ultimately results in pittavruddhi- leading to hair fall and of course obesity, which is the major cause for hair fall and greying of hair.
  • Atiksharyukta (excessive salty) food like wafers, pickles, salted dry fruits and sour food like sauces etc.
  • Viruddhanna sevan- frequent  intake of food like curd, milk, rice and salt together, fruit-salad, ice-cream with fruits, bananas with milk, milkshakes, fish and milk etc..
  • Excessive consumption of tea, coffee, aerated drinks, which disturb digestion and leads to acidity and then to hair and skin problems.
  • Inadequate intake of calcium rich food like milk, ragi curd, buttermilk etc.
All these above dietary causes lead to vitiation of the pitta and vata dosha causing hair problems .Oily food leads to obesity (sthaulya), which blocks the channels needed for the nutrition of the hair, ultimately leading to the hairfall, greying and baldness.

2. Behavioural-
·         Atishrama (excessive exertion)
·         Sleeplessness (insomnia)
·         Excessive exercise or lack of exercise
·         Continuous exposure to temperature changes like air conditioner or heat.
·         While driving, exposure to dust, heat, wind which results in hair fall, splitting of hair etc.
·         Frequent use of hair dryer for wet hair.
·         Frequent use of artificial hair colours, dyes, gels, shampoos and lotions and frequent changes in   hairstyles.
·         Lack of hair hygiene
·         Lack of oil application to hair and improper combing styles.
·         Physiological conditions like nursing mothers (calcium deficiency in body), menopause (osteoporotic changes due to lowered calcium levels)
Above causes have major role in hair fall, dandruff and greying.
·         Some conditions like alopecia and baldness have hereditary as well as hormonal origin.

3. Psychological –
Krodha (anger), shoka (grief), bhaya, chinta (stress) lead to vatapittavruddhi  and also vitiation of other doshas and dhatus.It results in hair greying and hair fall.
Solutions for the hair problems
·         Try to have food with all rasas including bitter, madhur rasas etc.
·         Avoid tea, coffee, cold drinks.
·         Avoid salty, oily, junk, fried food.
·         Eat green and leafy vegetables like spinach, broccoli etc.
·         Eat fresh fruits every day.
·         Chew 1 -2 tsp. of black sesame seeds, which is good for hair.
·         Avoid viruddhanna as described earlier.
·         Have food rich in calcium like milk, fresh curd, ragi etc.
·         As properly cooked food is the key to healthy body, try to include various ayurvedic recipies and spices like cumin seeds (jeerak), fenugreek seeds (dhanyak) in cooking. This results in proper digestion and good health.
·         Have sound and adequate sleep.
·         Practice relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, listening to music to lower the stress.
·         In Ayurveda, panchakarma technique like “Shirodhara” is available which is proven, quite beneficial for healthy hair. Consult the ayurvedic physician and get done seasonal panchakarma, which not only prevent diseases, but also keep the individual healthy like basti and nasya.
·         Ayurveda considers the hair as the mala (a by-product of the metabolism)of the asthi ,take necessary treatment by the ayurvedic physician for the conditions like alopecia and baldness.
·         Apply ayurvedic medicated hair oil to scalp and hair with gentle scalp massage.
·         Wash hair with ayurvedic hair wash powders, which keep the hair healthy.
·         Use scarves  or caps  to cover the hair to protect from  too much heat and wind
·         Consult the doctor for the conditions like alopecia as early as possible.
This article, in nutshell, suggests you to follow and live ayurveda for long, healthy, lustrous hair.

“Live Ayurveda & Be Healthy”

Dr. Prajkta Kulkarni ,
Asst. Professor,  Sharir Rachana.

Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya,  Pune