Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Ayurveda, the ancient Indian medical science, always at keeping swasthya of person as well as to prevent Vyadhis which are  the outcome of  improper eating habits, many a times, hence, ayurved has described ‘Aaharvidhividhan’, i.e., proper method of having food or method of eating .It has been given a greater emphasis in ayurveda for healthy life.
Here are some important rules to be followed while having Meals –
·      Eat   adequate   food, so that it includes solid food- one part, liquid (water, soup etc.)-  1 part & one part to be   left   as   avakash, i.e. empty, for proper digestion.
·      Food  should be ushna ,fresh ,snigdha (with adequate Fats – ghee, oil ) & it should  be shadarasayukta ,i.e. Including food having 6 rasas viz. madhur rasa (sweet) Lavana   rasa (salty ) ,amla rasa (acidic),katu rasa ( hot  tikta rasa ( bitter) &  kashaya rasa  (astringent ).
·      Don’t  eat  stale food , hot &  cold  food  at a  time together ,food having opposite properties  e .g .milk with fish , milk  with rice & salt ,milkshake , fruit salad ,hot curd ,etc., as these combinations  vitiates the   doshas  in the body & results in digestive disturbances.
·      Try to avoid watching TV. Talking, reading, while having food.  Have food with proper asana i.e. sitting on the floor (Indian style of bhojana), with calm mind & eat with full attention on food.
·      Eat only after the meals taken earlier   have been digested.

·      Eat the amount of food as per your requirement so that one can easily breathe, sit, walk after meals.
·      Follow the usual & fixed timings of breakfast, lunch & dinner.
·      Don’t do exercise just after meals.
·      Eat food according to the season as per the rutucharya.
Therefore, in Indian culture, it is said that “Udarabharana    Nohe    Janije   Yagdhnyakarma”, means bhojana is not only just eating, but it is like offering aahuti to the yagdhnyakarma for the sharirdharana  & jeevana , which would definitely give swasthyaphala  to the human being.

Vd. Prajkta Kulkarni,M.D.,Lecturer,TAMV, Pune