Monday, July 11, 2011

Health Tips for a Healthy and Better Living

Rules for Water intake by a Human being
1.      Drink water only when you feel thirsty
2.      Drink water during meals, sip by sip after few morsels
3.      Drink hot water when suffering from indigestion, hiccoughs, flatulence, fever, cough, cold, asthma, hoarseness of voice and vata- kapha disorders
4.      Drink boiled and cooled water when suffering from hot flushes, heart burn, hyperacidity, and other pitta disorders.
5.      Drink cold water when suffering from thirst, giddiness, drowsiness, nausea, tiredness due to physical exertion.
1.      Drink very less or do not drink water when suffering from as cites, edema, inflammatory disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, recurrent diarrhea, anorexia (lack of appetite), renal failure.
2.      Do not drink excess water during monsoon and winters
3.      Do not drink water immediately before or after meals
·        Drinking water just before meals will pacify the hunger/ digestive fire.
·        Drinking water immediately after meals is a cause of obesity
Dr. Mihir Hajarnavis, Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Pune